Front End Web Development - Complete Course with Examples - Part 3
Front End Web Development - Complete Course with Examples - Part 3 In this example, the default layout applies to desktop screens with a width of 800 pixels. The layout for tablets and small desktop screens applies to screens with a width of 768 pixels or less, and the layout for smartphones applies to screens with a width of 480 pixels or less. Responsive design is important because it ensures that a website is accessible and easy to use on a wide range of devices. By using media queries and other techniques, you can create. Using media queries to create mobile-friendly layouts Media queries are a powerful tool for creating mobile-friendly layouts in CSS. They allow you to apply different styles based on the width of the viewport, which is a measure of the width of the browser window. To use media queries, you can include them in your CSS stylesheets using the @media rule. The @media rule takes a media type (such as all or print ) and a condition that specifies the width of th...